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Central Carolina Chrysanthemum Society


CCCS elegant advertisement to members and the public for our 2022 the Queen of Fall flower show at JCR Arboretum
PHOTO CREDIT: CCCS member Carol Dukes thank you for all your work

Class 1 Irregular Incurve

Class 2 Reflex

Class 3 Regular Incurve

Class 4 Decorative

Class 5 Intermediate Incurve

Class 6 Pompon

Class 7 Single/ Semi-Double

Class 8 Anemone

Class 9 Spoon

Class 10 Quill

Class 11 Spider

Class 12 Brush & Thistle

Class 13 Exotic or Unclassified
The 72 mums exhibited in our Fall Mum Show There are no duplicate photos, members grew several of the same classes, cultivars, and colors. Every plant environment is always different based on microclimates. ENJOY CCCS members' hard work.
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