Central Carolina Chrysanthemum Society


meetings are the third Monday of each month @ noon
March through September
at the JC Raulston Arboretum
with an additional wrap-up the year potluck luncheon each November.
General Monthly Meeting Agenda
a short business meeting
program on a garden-related topic.
break to enjoy snacks provided by members
tips and demonstrations on how to grow vintage, exhibition-style chrysanthemums
finish up with 3 raffles
door prize raffle
new member raffle
club support raffle $1/coupon;$5/6coupons

2022 Event Schedule

Nov. 4: CCCS Flower Magnificent Mums – the Queen of Fall Flowers JC Raulston Arboretum. Friday, Noon to 4:30 pm Open to the Public
Oct. 29-30: Old Dominion Chrysanthemum Society Show, James Lee Community 5Center, 2855 Annandale Road, Falls Church, VA.
Nov 5-6: Skyline and Blue Ridge Chrysanthemum Society’s Combined Show: Williams Memorial Baptist Church, 2105 Carroll Ave, NW, Roanoke, VA skyline@mums.org
Oct 1 – Nov 15: Longwood Gardens Chrysanthemum Festival, 1001 Longwood Road, Kennett Square, PA (Near Philadelphia)
Oct 1 – Oct 30: Kiku New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY
September through November Isabella Steward Gardner Museum 25 Evans Way, Boston, MA. 02118
Nov 5-23: Botanic Garden at Smith College, Annual Fall Chrysanthemum Show, 122 Green St, Northampton, MA (2 hours west of Boston)
The month of November 59th Annual Fall Cascading Chrysanthemums, Bellingrath Gardens, Theodore, AL (South of Mobile on the Gulf)

2021 November Floral exhibit

2021 CCCs Challenge Mum the garden mum Rhonda in red, bronze, and purple
Every year our membership receives a mum cutting to grow as a challenge. This year our challenge is the garden mum Rhonda. Growing mums is more an art than a science based on many factors; the microenvironment, water, sun, insect visitors, etc, etc.