Central Carolina Chrysanthemum Society
About CCCS

Growing and sharing these mums brings joy to growers and others. Please help us to reintroduce these once popular but now rare plants back into your home gardens.
Photographs of the 13 classifications courtesy of Irene Murt and other members of the Central Carolina Chrysanthemum Society
The Central Carolina Chrysanthemum Society (CCCS) was reestablished in 2015 after several years of inactivity. We are sharing these glorious blooms of yesteryear with the public in hopes of keeping them from disappearing forever from our gardens.
CCCS has some wonderful members! 100+ strong. Our members cover a wide range from the male and female, from the very young to the mature senior, the novice to the expert.
We meet on the third Monday of the month March through September from noon until 2:00 p.m. at the JC Raulston Arboretum. Please come and visit and learn more about these fascinating vintage flowers.