Central Carolina Chrysanthemum Society
For ease of identification the National Chrysanthemum Society divides bloom forms into 13 classes.
Photographs courtesy of Irene Murt and many of our members.

Class 1
Irregular Incurve
Class 1
Irregular Incurve
These are the giant blooms of the chrysanthemum genus. The florets (petals) loosely incurve and make fully closed centers. The lower florets present an irregular appearance and may give a skirted effect.

Class 2
Class 2
The florets in this class curve downward and overlap, similar to bird plumage. The tops of these blooms are full but somewhat flattened.

Class 3
Regular Incurve
Class 3
Regular Incurve
A true globular bloom equal in breadth and depth. The florets smoothly incurve and form a regular ball.

Class 4
Class 4
As in the above classes, the center disk should not be visible. The upper florets tend to incurve, but the lower petals generally reflex.

Class 5
Intermediate Incurve
Class 5
Intermediate Incurve
This bloom class is smaller than the irregular incurve with shorter florets, only partially incurving with full centers, but giving a more open appearance.

Class 6
Class 6
A small globular bloom, somewhat flat when young but fully rounded when mature, Size ranges from small button types to large disbudded blooms almost 4" in diameter. The florets incurve or reflex in a regular manner and fully conceal the center.

Class 7
Class 7
A daisy-like flower with a center disk and one or more rows of ray petals.

Class 8
These blooms are similar to the semi-doubles but have a raised cushion-like center.
Class 8

Class 9
Class 9
Essentially the same as the semi-double, except the ray florets are like spoons at the tips. The center disk is round and visible.

Class 10
Class 10
These blooms have florets that are straight and tubular with open tips. The bloom is fully double with no open center.

Class 11
Class 11 Spiders
These blooms have florets which may coil or hook at the ends. The florets may be very fine to coarse.

Class 12
Brush and Thistle
Class 12
Brush and Thistle
These blooms have fine tubular florets which grow parallel to the stem and resemble an artist's paintbrush or a thistle form with florets that are flattened, twisted, and drooping,

Class 13
Exotic or Unclassified
Class 13
Exotic or Unclassified
These blooms do not fit in any of the other classes. They are often exotic with twisted florets. They may also exhibit characteristics of more than one bloom class.